This page is dedicated to celebrating the role of women in the church. It is our belief that the work of women in the life of the church is vital and needs to be emphasized. At times in the debate over whether or not women may be pastors the huge amount of positive work by women outside the pastoral office has been diminished. Stay tuned for more coming soon!
Reflections on the beauty of being a non-ordained woman in the church
One Lutheran lay woman shares her story of the confusion she feels from the pressure to advocate the cause of woman pastors, and the beauty she sees in being a non-ordained Christian woman.
Women & the Scriptures – Sandra Ostapowich
Another Lutheran lay woman’s in depth look at how the Scriptures testify from beginning to end of the incredibly important place of women in his plans and purposes and at the same time prohibit women from being ordained as pastors.
A shorter article by the same author above, who says she always thought she would’ve made a great pastor, but came to see being a woman is far better.
Meditation on the Samaritan woman
A beautiful meditation on Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well whose testimony brought many in her home town to faith in Christ.
Another meditation by the same author as above, this time reflecting on the role of Mary for the occasion of the festival of the Annunciation.
A more general reflection on the weariness of the modern Christian woman, and the rest and peace to be found in receiving the Lord’s gifts every Divine Service.