Truth in love
‘Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow … into him who is the head, into Christ’ (Ephesians 4:15).
This website has been created by a network of Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) pastors and lay people from all around the country, and is dedicated to members of the LCA.
Our church continues to struggle through some difficult discussions over church teaching and practice such as the ordination of women and matters to do with human sexuality. Throughout this time the church has been encouraged toward ‘godly and biblically based discussion’. This website exists to contribute to this discussion by offering resources which explain the positions the Church has traditionally held on the matters in question according to Scripture.
The approach of the website is guided by Ephesians 4:15 as quoted above. In reflecting on this verse, Herman Gockel writes:
‘In our attempts to deal with …truth and error, we deliberately and prayerfully adopt a strategy of love. We can count on our old Adam to vote No to such an attitude. But we can also pray the Holy Spirit for a special measure of his grace, …enabling us both to speak the truth, and to speak it in love’ (Daily walk with God).
We are pledged to:
1. confess that the Bible is without qualification the Word of God;
2. confess that The Book of Concord of 1580 is a faithful exposition of that Word;
3. uphold the Theses of Agreement as a faithful confession of biblical teaching for the LCA;
4. commit ourselves to the ongoing renewal of the Church through the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Welcome video
Wondering where to go from here? Where to even begin when such a feast lies before you? We suggest the Frequently Asked Questions page which in many ways summarise much of the rest of the site. Just remember to click on the arrow on the left of the question. Then from there you can hone in on the specific areas you’d like to read more about.